We offer a special discount for QuickBooks Online users to add-on the payroll service or stand alone payroll (if you do not need QuickBooks Online for bookkeeping):

The current offer gives you:
- 30% off the base fee (i.e. Payroll Premium = $85/m – 30% = $59.50) for 12 months
- 15% off the per employee fee (i.e. 3 employees under Premium = $27 – 15% = $22.95) for 12 months
Keep in mind that often you see Intuit offer deep discounts like 50% or even 70% off, but limited to 3 months, the 12 month at 30% off deal is always better in the long-run.
The most popular version is the Premium subscription, because it contains access to QuickBooks Time (Previously known as T-sheets time tracking service) same-day direct deposit, 24/7 expert support, and Expert Review (to make sure you have you payroll setup right)
How to get started?
If you DO NOT have any QuickBooks Online accounts setup yet, and want to setup BOTH QuickBooks Online (for bookkeeping) AND Payroll at the same time with the 30% off discount, use this link: https://quickbooks.intuit.com/partners/irp/buyqbopayroll/?cid=irp-4337
If you DO NOT need QuickBooks Online (for bookkeeping) AND only need Stand-alone Payroll, use this link: https://quickbooks.intuit.com/partners/irp/payroll/?cid=irp-4337
If you already have a QuickBooks Online (for bookkeeping) account up and running and just want to add payroll, e-mail me [email protected] (and CC [email protected]) your current Company ID number and the version of QBO Payroll you want and I’ll have my contact at Intuit set you up ASAP.
Here is a video on how to setup and run Payroll in QuickBooks Online